Over the past 27 years, Jay Mandarino has raised more than $50 million dollars
for hundreds of charities worldwide by performing as a professional auctioneer
through his Not-For-Profit Corporation, JBM Auction Services.
From Los Angeles to Miami to New York to Toronto, Jay has performed at events
for David Foster, Sting, Gordon Ramsay, Ben Affleck, Michael “Pinball” Clemons,
Eva Longoria, Jude Law, Michael Bolton, and Sir Elton John. Jay is an outstanding
auctioneer and performer whose motto is, “Lend a hand, by raising yours.”
Jay’s philanthropic work has been acknowledged in many editorial articles, letters
of praise and with numerous awards including two medals – the Diamond Jubilee
Medal from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the Ontario Medal for Good
Citizenship from the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, recognizing individuals who,
through exceptional long-term efforts, have made outstanding contributions to
their communities. Jay was awarded Hero of the Year by the Mississauga Christian
French School and most recently, received the Urban Hero Award in the category
of sports for his Not-For-Profit C.J. Skateboard Park & School.
Jay has always had a strong passion for helping others conquer their own human
challenges and it is this passion that drives him to give so much back.